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10 Sept, 2015 - 31 Oct, 2015
不見不散 展覽在香港 YY9 畫廊
Until You Are Here, Exhibition at YY9 GALLERY, Hong Kong

此繪畫作品系列的靈感源於夢境和生活中的零碎片段,既是以夢入畫、亦繪出生活的點滴。蟻氏以英國名作家Thomas Hardy的小說《遠離塵囂》為畫中故事的骨幹,將錦鯉化身為故事的主角──男魚人和女魚人,藉以比喻現實中起伏交織的生活。男魚人和女魚人相隔三分鐘出現於同一地方,卻沒有碰面,彼此錯過;當女魚人再次遇上男魚人時,解釋自己在婚禮當天去錯了教堂,可是男魚人忿然拒絕舉行第二次婚禮。蟻氏以其獨特鮮明的作畫風格,巧妙地在畫布上描繪出人生的百感百味:快樂、傷心、驚嘆、疑惑、忿怒。百般滋味,悲喜有時;男女魚人如是,人生亦如是。

This new series of paintings capture respective images of the Fish Man and the Fish Woman who arrived the same venue just three minutes apart on the wedding day, hence failing to meet each other. The luckless bride-to-be went to a wrong church who then explained her mistake, whilst the Fish Man humiliated at being left waiting at the altar, angrily called off the wedding. Created her paintings based on the story of the novel Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy, Ngai attempts to express a surge of mixed emotions including joyfulness, sadness, surprise, puzzling, day dreaming and anger in a fully imaginative and insightful way as revealed by the Fish Man and the Fish Woman in her works.

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